For our final project, we decide to make some modification on previous class project. We have made some changes in its design and programming to make the project more attractive and interesting for primary students. Today, two of our group members cannot come because they have hockey training. However, I and my friend Salmiah are able to finish our project. At the end of the assembling process, my friends have shown up and help us to make some enrichment on the design.
Our concept is to entertain the children age between 7-12 years old. The robot that we create will be able to move towards its owner when it detects using the ultrasonic sensor. When it cannot see the owner it will stop and make some sounds. We called our project as Bambi because the design that we create same as the mouse deer.
Problems & Solutions:
During the assembling process we did not have a problem. We have made some modification from last design which we have change the position of the sound sensor because it will prevent the ultrasonic to function correctly. This is because the ultrasonic will sense the sound sensor before it can detect things in front of it. Besides that, if we look at last project, the front legs can move randomly but then we make it constant. This is due to the task that it will carry on which move forwards.
Besides that, to develop the suitable program for our project it takes patient and focus. For this project, it is my job to create the program and I find it little bit difficult. This is because it has to combine some command to make the project move as our group need. There, I get helped from my friend Abdul Rahman Hakimi. He has helped me a lot. Thanks buddy. Lastly after some modification, we are able to create the program. Below is the program that we use for our project.

1. Teacher can ask students to form their own design but use the same programming.
2. Students can try making some enrichment by adding other sensors such as voice sensor.
3. Try to built the program which it can moves through voice sensor and stop when see object in front of it.
Below are some pictures during the assembling activities. Check it out…!!!
Our little cute Bambi..
Side view of Bambi..
To check it out how it's function, clik the link below..
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